Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Watch how I benefit from TrickyFit in my life!

It is a pleasure for me to be fit, strong and healthy. I am so pleased to be able to share the strategies that I use so that people from all over the world can benefit the way i do too. Jump on board the TrickyFit way and let me take the Trick out of fitness for you. Bypass all the stations in your life you don't need to stop at Such as station confusion, station information overload, station what exercise is best for me, station I am un motivated and station where do I begin. Let me tell you start here and start now. In fact start anywhere. TrickyFit is an exercise way that allows you to get a great workout and accumulate basic, high quality fitness knowledge that you can apply to your life. All you need to do is Subscribe for up to date posts on the home page FREE, grab a pair of shoes and try an exercise. Start with the beginner variety and work your way up. I will help you along the way. Stay tuned for fun videos, cool tips and some inventive ways of sneaking in a few exercises into those busy schedules of yours.

Welcome to the TrickyFit adventure!

TrickyFit Warm Up

Monday, 28 March 2011

AB cycle - Get a great burn through your abdominals

Dynamic Leg warm up

The squat jump - Efficient powerful movement.

The Squat jump is a super cool exercise for all those TrickyFit fanatics! This exercise is totally for you. It combines the strength, mobility and balance of a full on squat with the power and acceleration to explode up as high as you can off the ground and land lightly before going back into more and more and more. It requires you to also brace your tummy muscles to support your back and and breathe out as you drive into the air.

Read more about the benefits of compound exercises and the squat.

Here is an excellent strength and power workout for the legs.

- Warm up for 5 mins
(3 sets through for the fastest time possible)
- 15 Squat Jumps
- 100m Sprint
- 15 Double knee jumps
- 100m Sprint
- 15 Alternate lunge jumps
- 100m Sprint
- Cool down and get some good nutrition


Thursday, 24 March 2011

Handstand - Have fun with this Upper body gem

Fitness should be fun and varied. ITs by doing a variety of strength and balance exercises that we triain our bodies to develop control and strength in many different positions. The handstand is a very common exercise in gymnastics and gymnasts have very strong upper bodies and terrific balance so why wouldn't you copy what they do. It really targets the muscles in your back around the scapula and shoulders. developing strength in these muscles will improve your posture and the way you hold yourself physically. Use a wall to practise the handstand for safety and even a soft matt if it helps you to feel safer. I do handstands up against a wall because then you can't fall backwards. The handstand also develops excellent core strength and it is very important that you tense your tummy muscles and make sure that your back does not arch, try to keep a neutral spine as if you were standing!

Don't be afraid to give it a go and don't be afraid to suck. Practise makes perfect and the benefits are yours to earn. Start with minimal bouts of time and work your way up. You will develop good wrist flexibility and strength for exercises where you a pushing a weighted barbell such as the clean and jerk, bench press and the likes.

Check out some other upper body strength exercises The front dip and The Push up

Are you medically fit to workout?


Answer these question before training for safety.

·  Are you Male or female over 50 and not used to regular physical exercise? YES or NO
·  Has anyone in your family history under the age of 60 suffered heart attack, stroke or high cholesterol? YES or NO
·  Have you given birth in the last 2 months? YES or NO
·  Are you pregnant? YES or NO
·  Have you been hospitalized recently? YES or NO
·  Are you taking prescription medication? YES or NO
·  Have you ever had high blood pressure? YES or NO
·  Are there any other conditions that you suffer? YES or NO
·  If you have answered YES to any of the above questions please go to your Doctor and make sure it is medically safe for you to undertake a fitness program.

Double knee jump - Explode into energy

Work your way up from the step up, squat and lunge to the squat jump and double knee jump for explosive power and a greater energy expenditure.

Step up - and step into TrickyFit

Target muscles
- Quadriceps

- Step up and rise onto toes.

Important cues
- keep your body weight evenly balanced across the front of your foot.
- drive up onto your stepping leg
-have tummy muscle tensed and arms out for balance if necessary
- ease down slowly with control

- 3 sets of 10 each leg
- work up to 3 sets of 20
- once achieved feel free to add some weights and experiment with the squat jump and double knee jump