TrickyFit Benefits

Health benefits involved with doing TrickyFit
  1. Strengthen your heart and lungs and improve cardiovascular fitness...Learn more
  2. Reduce risk of heart disease...Learn more
  3. Lower blood pressure...Learn more
  4. Improve muscular endurance and ‘tone’...Learn more
  5. Increase sporting performance...Learn more
  6. Decrease risk of osteoporosis and increase bone mineral density...Learn more
  7. Help manage arthritis...Learn more
  8. Improve insulin sensitivity and decrease risk of type II diabetes...Learn more
  9. Increase energy expenditure, metabolic rate and promote a leaner physique...Learn more
  10. Increase energy and mood...Learn more
  11. Increased Functional strength ... Learn more
  12. Reduce risk of injury ... Learn more
  13. More power and sporting performance ... Learn more
  14. Better joint stability...Learn more
  15. Decrease fat and increase lean muscle mass... Learn more
  16. Increased bone mineral density ... Learn more