Wednesday, 30 November 2011

December 2 2011

Warm up

Dynamic movements
Side stepping
High knee running
Bum kicks
Walking lunges

Running - 5 x 400m laps steady pace include jumping, forward rolls, side rolls, touch the ground and jump high, back wards running and boxing punches.


TABATA = 20 seconds work + 10 sec rest for each exercise and repeat for 8 rounds total.

Walking Lunges
Push up roll over
Mountain climbers

Cool Down

Stretching -
Lying hamstring with a partner
Lying quadricep pull
Lying bridge
Sitting groin press
Sitting glute hug
Sitting back twist
Prone calf - running pose
Prone python stretch
Standing pec stretch
Standing tricep press
Standing shoulder - arm hug

Monday, 28 November 2011

December 1 2011

3 rounds of

50 lunges / 25 each leg

Lunges (heavy sandbag over shoulder)

November 29 2011

3 Rounds
Heavy dead lift
Sit ups

November 28 2011


Hill sprint (200m up and back)
21 Push ups
21 Chin ups


Hill sprint
15 push ups
15 chin ups
 Hill sprint


Hill Sprint
9 push ups
9 chin ups

Saturday, 26 November 2011

27 November 2011


100 box jumps
100 double knee jumps
100 double unders
100 lunge jumpsFor time

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Lift 4 results

Lift 4 results

  1. Increased Functional strength ... Learn more
  2. Reduce risk of injury ... Learn more
  3. Increased power and sporting performance ... Learn more
  4. Increased joint strength and stability...Learn more
  5. Increase and maintain lean body mass... Learn more
  6. Increased bone mineral density ... Learn more
...more to come, stay tuned :)

Programming for strength ... Learn more

Intensity is a key component to any fitness program for a couple of reasons. High intensity exercise expends large amounts of energy, creates the release of strength building hormones and positive physical adaptations to exercise and it is the key driver in getting results fast. 

Strength and more importantly power (which is derived from strength),  the ability to forcefully move load, be it lifting weights, swinging kettle bells or doing strong man exercises is an excellent modality for generating high intensity movements of the human body.

So what are some of my favourite ways to build strength. Anything. Just do the movement safely and better yet do functional movements that require you to drive force from your core to the extremity of your body. Then your strength training builds the foundation for great movement patterns that will support your daily life.

So who getting strong, powerful and healthy??

Monday, 21 November 2011

November 23 2011

5 rounds for time

8x heavy back squats
8x 15 ft Rope climb
80x Double unders

November 22

Bench Press

100 Reps 

Saturday, 19 November 2011

November 20 2011

Daily Dose

2x 100m sprints
20 handstand push ups
20 chin ups
20 dips
20 push ups
Run 6km

Friday, 18 November 2011

Johnny the Bagger

A lovely story!

Johnny the Bagger


November 19 2011

Daily Dose

30 20 10

Weighted chin ups 20kg
Ball slams, half reps each side of the body (8kg med ball)

November 18 2011


10 Minutes

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

November 16th 2011

Go heavy or don't bother

Heavy days generate the release of excellent hormones, great feelings and physiological change.

Plus an increase in strength, results in more power for increased 'work capacity across broad time and modal domains', CrossFit.

So take this heavy day and run with it for results. Don't be shy.

Daily Dose

Clean & Jerk

8 sets of 8
looks like this - 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8

Sunday, 13 November 2011

November 14 2011

Body weight squats


8 sets of 20 seconds Work then 10 sec rest
(aim for minimum 18-20 squats per set)

Saturday, 12 November 2011

November 12 2011

3 rounds for time

Sprint 20m
15 push jerks 40kg
Sprint 20m
60 Boxing punches
 15 russian KB swings 24kg

Thursday, 10 November 2011

November 11 2011

Did you take a minute of silence today?Lest we forget.

Moving forwardDaily Dose-

 Rounds of 30, 20, 10

8kg med ball sit ups
Double unders
Bench press 70 kg

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

November 10th 2011

Turkish get ups

Practice, practice, practice!!
Strengthen your core and shoulder girdle like never before.

In between TGUs - 100 Toes to Bar.

1/ Dead hang on chin up bar
2/ Raise toes to bar
3/ Lower = 1 rep

Monday, 7 November 2011

Diets - Short term gain long term pain

What happens
First you substitute real food for things like soups, lemon powder drinks, smaller portions and whatever else it might be. Next you lose weight because your intake of food is less than the amount you expend. Tick it works. 

What the body does next
Next the body realizes that it's not getting enough of the macro nutrients in many cases or simply needs to store the energy better because it's getting less fuel or food. This typically known as slowing of your metabolism.

Now you are sick of lemon, soup and just want real food. Or you deckon diet tells you to move to normal eating again. Now you consume more food with a slow metabolism. This increase in fuel with your decreased metabolism speed winds you up with greater fat storage and you end up as big and if not bigger than before you tried last time.

What next
Try a new diet... No
Meat and vegetables, fish and eggs, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. And train smarter, trainer harder!! 

November 8th 2011

Run 5km for time

November 7th 2011

Rounds of 30, 20, 10 reps

Kettle bell swings above head
Front Squat 40 kg
Push ups
Chin ups

My time 20.20 minutes (no weight on front squat just the bar)

Scaled workout

30, 20, 10

Run 800
Horizontal pull ups
Kettle Bell swing above waist or to shoulders
Lunges with BarBell 15 each leg
Push ups on incline with rubber band for support

Gillian 21.11mins Top effort Gillian woo :)

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Nov 4 2011

Daily dose

Gymnastics and Metcon

Handstand push ups and 50m run

5 HSPU + 50m Run
10 HSPU + 50m Run
15 HSPU + 50m Run
10 HSPU + 50m Run
5 HSPU + 50m Run

Beginners try holding handstands for time if you can't complete HSPUs 20,40,60s holds for 5,10,15 HSPUs

Good luck and post your times to the site.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

3 November 2011

Daily Dose

Heavy Day

Clean 7 rounds of 3 @ 135 Lbs

Warm up by opening the hips and getting warm and mobility through the hips, shoulders and trunk.

Post your numbers to the site

2 November 2011

Daily Dose

AMRAP for 20 minutes (As Many Rounds As Possible)

20 x Burpees
5 x Dead Lift 180 Lbs
300m Row