Hi I am Tristan
If your passionate about fitness or want then TrickyFit is for you. Embark on an exciting journey into self mastery, health, fitness and physical development. Feel free to take a moment to get to know me better.
My Qualifications are:
- Personal Trainer
- Gym Instructor
- CrossFit Certified.
Growing up:
I grew up with a tennis racket glued to my arm. There wasn't ever much else that I was interested in. I had the passion of a wonderful lover and the work ethic to train 30+ hours a week for years. Not much has changed...Peak athletic performance has always been my motivation and now its generating peak athletic performance in others too!
Why TrickyFit?
My Nickname since I was a little tacker has always been Trick, Tricky, Trickstar or Tricky-two-shoes. So it means fitness with me and if you find it "Tricky" to get fit or you want to take your fitness to the next level then I'm your guy.
Sporting interests?
My sporting interests revolve around golf, swimming, surfing, AFL ( of course...I'm from Melbourne Australia). I also love watching the olympics track and field events, winter olympics, Skiing and snowboard really anything where you have to move I enjoy it.
Training with me and bookings
Group Sessions are currently $20 per session per person and One on One training requires an upfront payment (price determined by conditions) and a commitment to results.
TrickyFit shines light on the dark - pretty soon everything becomes an opportunity to exercise! Check out these fun videos I made for your entertainment and viewing.
Getting started is easy. Join the personal training programs in Victoria to schedule your fitness evaluation and join the personal training. http://www.trickyfitness.com.au/personal-training