Monday, 30 April 2012

May 1st 2012

Today is a rest day

Monday 30th April

Run a mile
10 handstand push up
20 skin the cat
30 ring dips
10 push ups
20 box jumps 24"
30 lunges 20kg O/H
Run a mile

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sunday 29th April

Todays workout is....

4 rounds of 8 reps - 1 minute rest between rounds

Hang Clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push press


Thursday, 26 April 2012

Saturday 28th April 2012

Todays workout is...

Speed Bench

12 x 3reps - fast and heavy!!
Take a 30 sec rest between sets

Dead Lift - Max out


Friday 27th April 2012

Today is a Rest Day

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

26th April 2012

Todays workout is...

50 Box jumps
50 double unders
50 walking lunges
50 over head squats w/ 20kg plate
50 push ups
50 mountain climbers
50 butterfly sit ups
50 double knee jumps
50 pull ups
50 back extensions

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

25th April 2012

Todays workout is

1000m row for time!! What is your best time??


20x 1 arm KB swings each arm
20x 1 arm KB clean and press each arm
10x 1 arm KB swing, front squat combo


3 R4T

20 Wall Balls
20 Double Unders

Monday, 23 April 2012

April 24th 2012

Todays workout

4 R4T - Rounds for time

300m Row
50 pistol squats - 25/leg
40 push ups
30 Sit ups
20 Ring pull ups

Sunday, 22 April 2012

April 23rd 2012

Today is a rest and recover day!

Take a chill pill no ... just your fish oil tablets and keep eating Paleo/Zone

Saturday, 21 April 2012

April 22nd 2012

Todays workout is....

The weight is 60kg for men and 40kg for women (60/40)

2 sets of 8 power cleans
2 sets of 8 cleans
2 sets of 8 front squat


60% 1RM bench press

8 sets of 8 for time with 30 seconds rest between sets


3 Rounds 4 time
8 strict pull ups

Saturday April 21st 2012

Today is ...

5 rounds - use the slow row as an recovery interval

Row 400m fast
Row 100m slow


Death by muscle ups
Minute 1 - 1 muscle up
Minute 2 - 2 muscle ups
Minute 3 - 3 muscle ups .... etc until you can't keep up

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Friday 20th April 2012

Todays workout is

AMRAP - 7 minutes

4 Push ups
8 sit ups
12  squats


On the minute every minute for 10 minutes:

5x Dead Lift 100kg
5x Toes to bar

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Monday, 16 April 2012

Wednesday April 18th 2012

Todays workout is....

3 rounds

300m run
20 double unders
12 handstand push ups


3 rounds

300m run
7 double unders
10 push ups

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Tuesday April 17th 2012

Welcome back to your second workout after the long Easter break. My body is sore all over but I know that I will be feeling better by Friday so just stay positive and hit your workouts hard!!

Part 1
3x 400m runs - Record your times

Part 2
AMRAP - 9 minutes
5 DLs (100/70kg)
10 Toes to bar
15 Push ups

By the end of the workout you will be puffed out and looking for a place to lye down :P

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Monday April 16th 2012

Wooo were back

100 double unders for time


5 x 5 dead lifts


21 15 9
Power cleans (60/40)
Toes to bar

April 6th - April 16th break

Hey and welcome back

Every year I take a break with my training over the summer/Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and September holidays.

I break my year up into 3 training blocks of around 15 weeks and then I take some time off to enjoy being social, relaxing and do some activities I haven't done for a while.

That has been an incredible 10 days tennis, golf and traveling to wineries and going on beautiful bicycle rides through Victoria and new south wales. Mmm amazing. Just the same I am very excited to getting back into full swing with my training and nutrition. I managed to consume way too much chocolate and alcohol but I had a lot of fun. I know this because I enjoyed myself so much that I woke feeling a tad sick the following morning, definitely too much. So now that that's done with back to the zone diet and eating good portions of CHo FAT and PRO at every meal, an focusing on feeling good and enjoying training for results.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Simple Simon Squat April 5th 2012

Toda's workout is...


8 rounds of 20sec work with 10sec rest



1 Rope Ascent
7 Snatches @ 50% BW
13 KB swings (figure 8) 24kg

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

April 4 2012

After the last 2 excruciating days of training I'm sure your body will be feeling the pinch and your grip will probably be hammered. You may even have a few callous rips....nasty!! hehe but don't be a baby, put some tape on it and stick with the program.

Todays workout is...


5 rounds for time

  • 400m run
  • 50 squats

Monday, 2 April 2012

Setting fitness goals.


The word SMART will help you when goal setting. Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable, Time based goals that you are committed to achieving. Do your research and make it happen.

S- Specific
Setting specific goals is crucial to knowing exactly what you are trying to achieve. Make it very spefic. Weight loss often comes up in the goal setting arena. If weight loss is your goal lets get down exactly how much weight you wish to lose. Is it 5kg is it 1kg is it 20kg. When we are specific about our goals it makes it a lot easier to plan how to attain it. Common goals might be you want to be able to do 30 push ups in a row. Maybe you want to complete 30 minutes of non stop exercise. Do you want to be able to Run 5km. Be specific, get clear about what you want to achieve.

You have to be able to measure you goal. If you can’t measure your progress or the achievement of your goal how will you know if your on the right track, or worse if you achieve it when do you get to celebrate the win and say I did it. Measure your weight, measure your push ups, record your training times, what ever it is it must be measurable.

A- Achievable
Your goal must be achievable for you. It is your goal and not someone else’s. Make sure that you believe you can achieve your goal. Make your goal positive and your own. I Tristan am going to be running 10 km 3 days a week.

R- Reasonable
Your goal has to be reasonable. It is completely unreasonable to think that you will go from not exercising to running 10km 3 days a week after 1 month of training. Research your goal a little, get motivated and figure out what is a reasonable goal for you and what is a reasonable time frame for the next letter.

T- Time
What time frame are you going to achieve your goal in? Are you going to lose 5 kg in 2 months, is it going to take you 12 months? Are you going to build up from 15 pushups per night to 30 pushups per night in 30 days? Give your goal a time and go for it.

Take your time and create goals that you really desire to achieve. Setting goals is not about putting just anything on a pice of paper and saying you have done it. Setting goals is about driving the frustration of not achieving out of your life. Getting clear about what really frustrates you in your life will help you to motivate and drive yourself to achieve goals that mean something to you. Once you have created your goals  suggest you take a moment to have a think about how you will feel if you do not achieve this goal.  If you feel frustrated and annoyed and motivated to do whatever it takes, then congratulations you really have set a goals that is important to you. Now take a moment to think about what it feels like to achieve it. How will that make you feel? Now feed off this positive energy. Use it to drive you. Be positive and confident and stay committed to creating a better you that you deserve. If you have not set any goals. Set aside 20-40minutes to set some really important fitness and or life goals for you!

NOW there's one more step that you MUST DO today otherwise everything else is a waste of time. TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW. What is something that you can do today to get the momentum in your favor?? You have your goals, your built up a good amount of feeling and emotion about your go and do something! Take that first step and enjoy the feeling of beginning your journey to achievement. People often say the hardest part is starting well I disagree with that. It's harder not to take action because what will it cost you not to take action? It's a burden on your mind and on your body. Be a DOER. Start today...Go now...Have fun

April 3 2012

Today is CrossFit workout FRAN


Thrusters (95/65lb)
Pull ups

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Jume 2 2012

Today is a day of pain.

100 over head squats 10kg plate
90 pull ups
80 ring dips
70 toes to bar
60 American KB swings 24kg