Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Choose olive oil

Olive oil is a high quality fat. But what is high quality fat??

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Tips for buying runners made for your feet

Use these rules as a guideline for buying your next pair of shoes.

1.     Cushioning is key. 
     Special stability may be necessary.
     Brand and service
     Don't buy on sale

Euro TrickyFit - Spain italy Greece

Friday, 17 June 2011

Cardiovascular training - work your heart muscle

Working your heart muscle has got nothing to do with getting into a relationship with someone else. Although this may be pulling on your heartstrings, what I am talking about is exercising your cardiovascular system. Your body has a certain fitness level, which is directly proportionate to its ability to use and distribute oxygen, blood and nutrients.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Whats the plank?

Exercise name: The plank

Last week I saw two guys having a plank off and they went toe to toe for 10.5 minutes until one failed after shaking for more than 6 minutes and sweating like wild fire. What a huge effort!!

Learn about the Plank >>>

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Major misconception amongst exercisers!

I have a challenge for you and you might not like it. Any challenge that you don't like is generally because either;

1.You think it's stupid
2.You think it's embarrassing
3.You know it's really going to hit you hard